Monday, 31 January 2011

Daxlore Khiram

Daxlore Khiram, owned by Francesca Zampini and handled by Patrizio Palliani, was awarded CAC and CACIB and RBOB Saluki at Padua International Sighthound Specialty on 30th January by Dagmar Kenis Pordham.
In her critique, she said of him, " Particolour of excellent type, beautiful head, good bite, good front, proper feet, firm topline, excellent mover".

Daxlore Yanis was awarded the RCAC and RCACIB. His report stated, "Two year old, quite tall, lovely masculine head, good neck, proper feet, long croup, nice hindquarters, free mover".

Monday, 17 January 2011

Daxlore Daania at Dandazi

Daxlore Daania at Dandazi, owned by Gloria Cook and Alan Burtenshaw, gained a Show Certificate of Merit on Saturday 15th January when handled to Best of Breed Saluki and Hound Group 1 by Luke Johnston under judge Mr Alfred Woods at Spennymoor Show.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah

Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded the RCACIB from the Open Saluki Dog class by judge Mr Brassat-Lapeyrriere at Paris Dog Show on 9th January 2011.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Daxlore Daisimae

Daxlore Daisimae, owned by Alan Burtenshaw and Gloria Cook and handled by Alan was Best Veteran at the Hound of the Year Show, Durham on 8th January 2011.