Saturday, 26 February 2011

Daxlore Daisimae

Daxlore Daisimae, owned by Alan Burtenshaw and Gloria Cook, was awarded Ist Open and Best of Breed Saluki and Hound Group 2 at Easington and Peterlee Open Show on 26th February under judge Dee Waterman.

On 27th February, she was awarded Best of Breed at Billingham Synthonia show by Maggie Holder (Mascotts).

This brings her Best of Breed total to 55.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Daxlore Bisou of Shaybani

Daxlore Bisou of Shaybani owned by Elaine Sydney was awarded Exc 1st Intermediate Saluki Bitch and CAC at the XXX Exposicion Nacional de Granada on 19th February by judge Enrique Filippini.

On Sunday 20th February at the XXVII Exposicion Internacional de Granada, she was awarded Exc Ist Intermediate Saluki Bitch CAC, CACIB and BOB by David Ojalvo.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Daxlore D'Elyxir

Daxlore D'Elyxir, owned by Dorine Dulain, was awarded 1st Excellent and CAC at Niort International Show on 13th February by Mr Voilet. He said of her in his critique, " Pleasant exhibit. Dentition in order, excellent pigmentation, very good eye, very feminine, well set ears, beautiful neck, well constructed and of good size, beautiful bone, excellent ground coverage, sufficient drive. Still has to mature".