Saturday, 17 December 2011

Daxlore Gabriella , owned by Sophy Jarry, was awarded Exc 1st Junior, Best Junior Saluki at Nantes Show by all-rounder Mr. Barenne.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Rouen Internarional Show

At Rouen International on 4th December Daxlore Gabriella owned by Sophy Jarry was awarded Ist junior Bitch, Best Junior in Breed and Best in Group Junior 3. The breed judge, Mr Dupas (Fr) said of Gabriella:

"Very pretty and feminine exhibit, excellent type and head, expression and ears, well proportioned body, excellent feet and width of thigh, well set tail, movement very fluid and elegant".

Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelel Aubouer, was placed second in Open Dog.
Mr Dupas said of him:
"Handsome specimen, very good type, masculine head without coarseness, well set ears, very good neck and shoulder, excellent back, rear and chest, good thighs, good length of tail, nice feet , very good movement".