Saturday, 26 May 2012

Daxlore Daisimae was awarded her 57th Best of Breed at Tyne, Wear and Tees Show on 26th May by judge Rebecca Meeks.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Daxlore Daisimae, owned by Gloria Cook and Alan Burtenshaw, gained in her tenth year her 6th Green Star at the Hibernian Show, Dublin under judge Mr C Coppel of France.May 2012.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

UK Champion Daxlore Amir of Fernlark, now owned by Francesca Zampini, became Italian Club Champion of the Year 2012, judge Mrs Outi Piisi Putta of Spain.

International and Italian Champion Daxlore Khiram was runner-up.

Ch Daxlore Amir of Fernlark

Ch Daxlore Amir of Fernlark, now owned by Francesca Zampini.was awarded club Championof the Year by Judge Mrs Outi Piisi Putta of Spain at Radno del Club, del Levriers on 29th May.

International and Italian Ch Daxlore Khiram was runner-up.

Friday, 4 May 2012

International, Spanish and Gibraltan Ch Daxlore Camran, owned by Lotta Brun, enjoying the Spanish Spring.