Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani, owned by Elaine Sydney, was awarded Exc 1st Intermediate Saluki Bitch,CAC and BOB by Miguel Doral and Gp3 by Carlos Saevich (Argentina))on 7th December at the 56th Exposicion National Canina de Alicante and 1st Exc Intermediate Saluki, CAC, CACIB and BOB by Birte Scheel (Germany) on 8th December at the 33rd International and 57th National Canina de Alicante.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah/Daxlore Gabriella

Ch  Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded 1st Exc Open Saluki, CAC and BOB at Le Mans by Mr Roger Barenne, who said of him:" Very attractive head, excellent jaws, good tight lips, good eye shape, skull, neck,ẃell descended chest, excellent topline, lovely croup, well angulated rear, good tail set, very good feet, excellent movement, free striding and regular".

Daxlore Gabriella, owned by Sophie Jarry, was placed 1st Exc, Open Bitch and awarded the R.CAC.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Junior Champion Daxlore Harani of Shaybani

Junior Ch Daxlore Harani of Shaybani, owned by Elaine Sydney, was awarded Exc 1st Intermediate Saluki Bitch, CAC, CACIB and BOB at the XXX National and XX Int Ch Show of Murcia on 10th November by Maija Sylgren of Finland..

Monday, 28 October 2013

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, Group 2, BOB  Saluki at Poitiers CACIB Show on 20th October, his sixth Group placing this year.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Ch Daxlore Harani of Shaybani (subject to homologation)

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani, owned by Elaine Sydney, gained the qualifying wins for her Gibraltan Championshiop at the age of only 15 months, having been awarded Exc Int Bitch, GCC, CACIB and BOB on 21st September by Mr Aberrahim El Baroudi of Morooco and 1st Exc GCC and RCACIB on 22nd September by Mr Petru Munteau of Romania.

On 12th September she was awarded 1st Junior Bitch at Darlington Championship Show, England by R. Doedijus of the Netherlands.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Int Ch Daxlore Basra at Shamilah

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded the CAC, CACIB and BOS at Beavais International Show on 15th September by M. Ludovic (Fr) who stated in his report;

" Very handsome male with much presence and elegance. Very good head and expression, good eye shape, excellent ears and fringing, excellent neck, excellent top line and excellent well developed underline, excellent croup and tail set, excellent front and rear angulation, second thighs and hocks. Refined Saluki musculature, excellent parallel movement, excellent ground covering side action, beautiful stride and head carriage".

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah

Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah,owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded EXC1 CACIB, BOB and Best of Group 2 at Nevers International Show under Mrs Larvie (France).

He also was awarded Exc. Open Class at Donaueschgingen, Germany on 3rd August by Mrs Sharon Kinney, (Issibaa Salukis), USA and Exc Open Saluki on 4th August by Dagmar Kenis Pordham (UK).

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Daxlore Gabriella

Daxlore Gabriella, owned by Sophie Jarry, was awarded 1st Exc RCACS by Mme Terzac Sanda of Croatia at  Brive la Gaillarde on11th August.  The judge said of her: "Two year old with nice head with very feminine expression. Would prefer more under jaw. Correct dentition. Excellent pigmentation. Nice elegant neck, good shoulders and topline. Nice depth of chest; well angulated. Moves very well"

Thursday, 4 July 2013

International Champion Daxlore D'Elyxir

International Champion Daxlore D'Elyxir, owned by Dorine Dulain, was awarded 4th Excellent in the Open Bitch class at FALAPA on 30th June.  The judge, Ute Leenartz (Germany) said of her, " An attractive substantial fawn bitch in good condition. Beautiful head and expression and correct head planes. Good neck, correct top line and underline. Correct angulation front and rear. Typical feet. Good temperament. Light easy movement".

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Junior Champion Daxlore Harani of Shaybani

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani, owned by Elaine Sydney, was awarded the CCJ, Best Saluki Junior and Best Junior in Group at the XXII Exposicion International of Castellon on 16th June by Judge Francisco Ruiz.

Friday, 14 June 2013

International Champion Daxlore D'Elyxir

Daxlore D'Elyxir, owned by Dorine Dulain, has gained the qualifying CACIB for her the title of International Champion (subject to FCI confirmation).

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Daxlore Diaz

Daxlore Diaz,owned by Audrey Haas, gained a second 2 point major win at North Edmonton Canine Society show, Edmonton, Canada on June 1st under Dr Rene Echevarria-Cofino of Puerto Rica.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Junior Champion Daxlore Harani of Shaybani (subject to confirmation)

Daxlore Harani at Shaybani, owned by Elaine Sydney, celebrated her first birthday on 26th May by winning Excellent First Junior Bitch and CCJ at the 85th Exposicion Internacional de Madrid under Henrik Johansen of Switzerland.This award qualifies Harani for the title of Junior Champion (subject to FCI confirmation).

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Daxlore Gabriella

At Loches on 9th May, Daxlore Gabriella owned by Sophie Jarry won 1st Excellent CACP (Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat de Poursuit/ CC in lure coursing), adding this win to her CAC, CACIB awards  thus making her a dual purpose winner on the coursing field and in the show ring.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Int Ch. Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded 1st Excellent Saluki Open Class, CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed and Group 2 at Amiens International Show on 28th April by Mr Brassat-Lapeyriere (Fr)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani,owned by Elaine Sydney, was awarded Exc1 Junior Bitch, CCJ, Best Junior, Best of Breed and Reserve Best  in Junior Group at the XXVIII Exposicion National of Murcia Region on 20th April by Angel Garach Domech who said of her "she is very high quality".

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded 1st Open Saluki Class and CACIB, BOB at Limoges International Championship Show.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Angers International

At Angers International Championship Show,   Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded 1st Excellent Open Saluki CACIB and BOB by Mr Christophe Coppel (Fr) and went on to win Group 10 under Mr Roger Barenne.

Daxlore Gabriella, owned by Sophie Jarry, was awarded 1st Excellent Saluki Bitch, CAC and CACIB.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded Ist Excellent Open Saluki Dog, CAC, CACIB and BOB at Perigueux International Show on the 9th March by Mr Pocas (Portugal) who described him as a 'splendid subject', and Group 3 under Mr C Cassandre (FR).

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani, owned by Elaine Sydney, was awarded Exc 1st Junior Saluki Bitch, CCJ, BOB by Mr Frank Kane (UK)at the XIX Exposicion Nacional de Seville on Saturday 2nd March.

She was also awarded Exc1st Saluki Junior Bitch, CCJ and Best Junior by M. Rui Oliveira (Portugal) at the XXXVII Exposicion Internacional de Seville on 3rd March.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamillah

Int Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamillah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, winning Group 3 at Troyes International Show after being awarded CAC, CACIB abd BOB by Mrs Rita Kadike Shadina.  Bashra was also the FALAPA runner-up Top Winning Saluki  Male for 2012.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Irish Champion and multi BOB winner Daxlore Dazimae, owned by Gloria Cook and Alan Burtenshaw, aged 10 years.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Daxlore Harani of Shaybani, owned by Elaine Sydney, was awarded Very Good, Best Saluki Puppy at the 54th Expsicion Nacional de Alicante on 8th December by S. Delmar (Ireland) and  at the XXX111 Exposicion Monographia de Galgos Afganos y Salukis on 15th December by Jerry Klein (USA), where she was also awarded Reserve Best Puppy in Show.