Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Multi and French Champion Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah

Congratulations to Isabelle Aubouer on her success with  Bashra, Top Saluki  Male FALAPA 2014, on gaining his French title.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Fr and Multi Ch Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah

Fr and Multi Ch. Daxlore Bashra at Shamilah, owned by Isabelle Aubouer, was awarded 1st Champion class at Falapa National Elevage, Cerilly, on 12 July by Clair Cryssollor (UK/USA).

 Bashra was also presented with the trophy for Best Male, Club Falapa 2014.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Daxlore Gabriella

Daxlore Gabriella owned by Sophy Jarry was awarded 1st Excellent in the working class at FALAPA National Elevage, Cerilly France by Clair Cryssollor (UK/USA) on 12th July.